Hours of work - It's about time: Non-contact time, class size and timetable policies
The It's About Time Toolkit is intended to help management and teachers implement the non-contact time provisions of the STCA.
Note: If your school policy on timetabling is the SchoolDoc policy this will not be compliant with the STCA and you should seek advice from your field officer.

The It's About Time Toolkit is intended to help management and teachers implement the minimum non-contact time provisions of the STCA.
The Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement (STCA) and Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement (ASTCA) contain workload entitlements for teachers, and obligations on the employer, for minimum guaranteed non-contact time and involvement in the development of timetabling policy.
This toolkit is intended to help management and teachers:
- Implement the minimum non-contact time provisions of the STCA;
- Assist in applying the requirement to endeavour to provide additional time for those with more than three permanent units
- Assist determining how to "endeavour" for average class sizes; and
- Establish a process for consultation on development and review of the school's timetabling policy to incorporate the entitlements.
The appendices include an audit process, frequently asked questions, STCA clause, ASTCA clause, sample timetable policies and more.
Last modified on Monday, 15 July 2024 15:53