How PPTA is organised: Structures
PPTA / Te Wehengarua supports teachers through local, regional and national structures and networks.
The Communities pages are where you will find out more about our networks.

Structures and Networks
There are structures and networks within the Association for Māori, Women, Principals and Pacific Islands teachers. There are also specialist advisory groups for other membership interests and activities e.g. curriculum, area school teachers, young and new teachers.
PPTA networks and structures
There is a PPTA branch in each school, making the branch the most immediate and significant level of involvement for most members.
25,000 members in 560 branches (schools).
Each branch is autonomous.
Many branches are now led by an elected collective of branch officials, among whom tasks are shared out as they arise.
A branch receives funds from their region.
The effective performance of branch officers is crucial to ensure that the Association receives accurate and clear messages about what is happening in schools and what members want, and for members to receive the information and assistance in their working lives to which they are entitled.
PPTA branches are divided into 24 regions throughout New Zealand. Regions are autonomous and led by elected regional officers: chairperson, secretary, treasurer, women's co-ordinator, te reo-a-rohe and Pasifika co-ordinators.
Each region is responsible for:
- forming links between the branches in its area and links between its branches and the Executive;
- discussing matters referred to it by the Executive;
- considering remits from its branches and forwarding such remits to the Executive if approved by the regional organisation;
- appointing representatives to attend annual and special conferences;
- originating discussion on matters concerned with education in general and with secondary education in particular;
- controlling regional finances;
- supplying to the Executive before 31 May each year a report on its activities for the previous year.
The PPTA executive is the governing body of the association and is made up of members elected from the 24 regions, plus Māori and Pasifika representatives. Members also elect the PPTA president and vice-president.
Junior Vice President
Kieran Gainsford One Tree Hill College*
Māori Vice President
Te Aomihia Taua-Glassie Tikipunga High School*
Senior Vice President
Kaitautoko (Te Huarahi)
Gazala Maihi** Whaea
Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake:
Faith Tautuhi Waikato Diocesan School For Girls
Anthony Urwin* Aotea College
Hēmi Ferris-Bretherton - Te Kura o Hirangi
Komiti Pasifika:
Angela Maisiri Southern Cross Campus
NZ Secondary Principals’ Council Chairperson:
Kate Gainsford Aotea College**
Aoraki: Lisa Holden Mackenzie College
Lawrence Mikkelsen (Eastern) Selwyn College
Austen Pageau (Northern) Birkenhead College
Karl Goddard (Western) Massey High School
Shontelle Helg (Southern) Ormiston Junior College
Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau: Robert McCafferty Western Heights High School
Canterbury: Joe Durkin-Gorman St Thomas of Canterbury College, and Bernie Lee St Thomas of Canterbury College
Counties-Manukau: Natalie Faitala Wesley College*
Hauraki Coromandel/Western Bay of Plenty: Tania Rae* Mt Maunganui College
Hawkes Bay/East Coast: Amanda Moys Havelock North High School
Hutt Valley/Wairarapa: Shannon-Mae Read Upper Hutt College
Manawatu-Whanganui: Rebecca Hopper Palmerston North Girls' High School
Nelson/West Coast: Michael Waller* Westland High School
Northland: Isabel Rangiwananga Mahurangi College
Otago: Joe Hunter* Otago Girls’ High School
Southland: Luke Nickholds Southland Girls' High School
Taranaki: Carl Rushton New Plymouth Boys' High School
Waikato: Raima Turner-Abrahams Hillcrest High School
Wellington/Marlborough: Clare Preston Wellington High School and Jennifer Crisp Porirua College
* Management Committee member
** Not members of the Executive but entitled to attend meetings and receive Executive circulars
Te Huarahi's role is to advise Māori members and to act as a channel for their concerns; to consider and represent those concerns to Executive; and liaise with Māori members, particularly the regional Te Reo-ā-Rohe network. Te Huarahi has the responsibility for making decisions that impact Māori members.
Te Huarahi is the national Māori body elected on an iwi geographical basis by Māori members of the Association (Rule 75). Te Huarahi annually elects three of its current members to serve on the National Executive.
Where Executive or Te Huarahi wishes to resolve a question about Ngā Take Māori, a group consisting of Te Huarahi's representatives and an equal number of Executive members meet to find an appropriate solution as Te Rōpū Matua.
Members of Te Huarahi are elected by members on PPTA's Māori electoral roll to represent the following tribal areas: Tai Tokerau, Tāmaki Makaurau, Waikato, Mataatua, Te Arawa, Tai Rāwhiti, Taranaki, Whānganui, Horowhenua / Manawatu, Ngāti Kahungunu, Whanganui-a-Tara ki Ōtaki, Ōtepoti / Murihiku, Waitaha, Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Māui.
Kaumātua and Whaea
The Kaumātua and Whaea are chosen by Te Huarahi to assist and support Association matters and are entitled to participate in all aspects of the Association.
Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake
Te Hāpai-Ō: Te Aomihia Taua-Glassie
Kaumātua: Moeke Paaka
Whaea: Gazala Maihi
Whaea Kaitautoko: Tihi Puanaki
Manu Tātariki (Honorary Member) :
Tai Tokerau: Emma Afa
Tāmaki Makaurau:
Lia Te Wao, Wesley College
Shanna Rope, One Tree Hill College
Tina Peters - Takapuna Grammar School
Waikato: Tuhiao Johnson Mangakootukutuku College
Mātaatua: Poihaere Knight, Trident High School
Te Arawa: Hēmi Ferris-Bretherton, Te Kura o Hirangi
Tai Rāwhiti: Irihapeti Nepe-Macdonald
Ngāti Kahungunu: Kath Hawaikirangi, Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu
Awakāirangi/Wairarapa: Simon Hirini, Taita College
Taranaki: John Edmonds, New Plymouth Boys' High School
Whanganui: 1 Vacancy
Horowhenua / Manawatū: Patty Robinson, Freyberg High School
Whanganui-ā-Tara ki Ōtaki: Anthony Urwin, Aotea College
Te Tau Ihu o te Waka a Māui:
Waitaha: Marcelle Leo'o, St Thomas of Canterbury College
Ōtepoti / Murihiku:
Josephine Clarke-Kaio, Te Wharekura o Arowhenua
1 Vacancy
PPTA field officer: Daniel Hapuku
Kaihautū Māori: Miriama Barton
The annual PPTA Service Awards are designed to recognise significant contributions members or former members have made to fellow members and the Association through their activism, leadership and commitment in their service to the association
Award candidates must be nominated by at least two other current full members.
Te Roopū Matua is the PPTA’s Treaty Partnership Roopu made up of equal members of PPTA executive and Te Huarahi members. They meet on equal terms to talk about relationships between the Treaty parties in the PPTA including issues that may arise and such things.
Recently, Te Roopū Matua assisted the PPTA on constitutional matters concerning the right of regions to include the traditional Māori name of their region in the constitution alongside the English one.
Current members (click any name to send an email):
Chris Abercrombie– PPTA president
Jacinta Grice - PPTA Executive
Vinnie Monga – PPTA executive
Patty Robinson – Te Huarahi
Te Aomihia Taua-Glassie - Māori Vice President
Anthony Urwin - Te Huarahi
Moeke Paaka – Kaumatua
Gazala Maihi – Whaea
Kirsty Farrant - General Secretary
Vancany – Executive
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:06