Professional growth cycle
Tools and tips for a high trust professional growth cycle that works for teachers and principals.

This tool for fulfilling and recording a professional growth cycle was developed in consultation with teachers and the Secondary Principals’ Council of Aotearoa (SPCA).
It promotes a high trust approach to professional growth and will not add significantly to teacher workload.
It addresses the needs of both teachers and principals for professional growth and renewal of practising certificates. We hope it will eliminate the potential for school by school wheel-reinvention on a grand scale!
You will find downloadable documents at the top of this page including:
- a handy guideline
- a professional growth form
- an annual summary form
- a background article with rationale for the process and how it is robust in a high trust environment
You can see Teaching Council documentation on the professional growth cycle here (
Guidance Counsellors that are registered teachers are required to participate in the Professional Growth Cycle process to maintain their certification.
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:10