Quality Assurance processes

Quality Assurance processes

Quality assurance processes to support grades for externals derived from school-based evidence

Key messages from NZQA

  • You don’t need to stop teaching to conduct assessment
  • Consider reducing the number of credits you are offering
  • Use the flexibility of the qualification to the advantage of the students
  • You will still need evidence of learning but remember that evidence can come from a variety of places. You can record it on the Evidence Gathering Templates (EGTs). Anticipate points where evidence might occur – you shouldn’t have to go hunting for it retrospectively.
  • There will need to be some sort of check that the grades are valid (if you have done a test it might be through your usual marking process, and if you have gathered evidence it could be through a professional conversation about what you were looking for and how you know you’ve seen enough to be confident in the grade you are reporting – so nothing new or onerous)
  • Less is best. Ease up. Focus on what the students actually need (and can realistically be assessed) for their next steps.

Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:07