Men’s Network

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The PPTA Men’s Network provides a forum for men to raise, discuss and promote their issues and aims at branch, regional and national levels.

Branch men’s representatives help support men in branches and work with regional men’s representatives when a region has a representative.

Regional Men’s Representatives continue their regional roles of coordinating men’s issues, activities, and education throughout their regions.

The PPTA Men’s Network aims to promote Men’s health and opportunities for men to gather socially.

Branch Men’s Representatives

Branch men’s representatives are elected annually in PPTA branches and are part of their branch committee. 

The role of a branch men's contact may include:

  • Providing male branch members with safe opportunities to discuss matters of relevance to them
  • Working with other Branch Officers to strengthen your branch and organise branch training
  • Liaising with the Men’s Officer and with your local Field Officer
  • Contributing to your regional network and building links with men’s representatives at other branches
  • Where possible, attending branch and regional seminars and employment relations education courses.
  • Organising social events within your branch (see Men’s Health Week 2025

Regional Men’s Representatives

Regional Men’s Representatives are elected annually in PPTA regions and are part of regional executive or management teams.

The role of a regional men's coordinator may include:

  • Advocacy of equality for men
  • Helping to feed men's views into branch, regional and national PPTA activities
  • Assisting in political and union education of men members
  • Working with other members to build and maintain a Regional Men’s Network
  • Obtaining a regional budget and using that budget to enhance unionism and events for men

PPTA Men’s Officer

The PPTA Men’s officer is a staff member of PPTA Te Wehengarua.

Mark Anderson, a Field Officer in Tāmaki Makaurau is your current Men’s Officer

  • assist, advise and support men by promoting men’s issues
  • support the men's network structures (regional and branch representatives)

  • disseminate advice and information

National Executive Men’s Representative

Carl Rushton is a teacher at New Plymouth Boy’s High School and represents the Men’s Network at National Executive.