Specialist classroom teacher (SCT)
The Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT) role was implemented in secondary schools across New Zealand in 2006. The role was implemented as a result of the PPTA Te Wehengarua collective agreement claim in 2004, and was seen as providing for professional support and learning in schools, as well as providing classroom teachers with an alternative career path.
All schools are entitled to employ one SCT for 4 hours per week, and larger schools (1201 students and over) are entitled to employ someone for 8 hours per week.
PPTA would be keen to see more of these positions in secondary schools, but has so far been unsuccessful in persuading the Ministry to increase the numbers.
It is clear from the review of the pilot that SCTs significantly assist with the professional learning and development of individual teachers and with the development of schools as learning communities.
Review of the Specialist Classroom Teacher Pilot Full Report (2006)
Review of the Specialist Classroom Teacher Pilot Summary Report (2006)
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:08