Community Liaison Trial

Community Liaison Trial

As part of the settlement of the secondary teachers’ collective agreement settlement the Ministry of Education and PPTA are committed to collaboratively undertaking a trial of community education roles.

NOTE: Schools in the trial were incorrectly advised of their CLR allowance entitlement for 2025 in their provisional staffing notice. This is being corrected. Schools will have the same entitlement in 2025 as in 2024.

Schools in the trial 

The areas agreed for inclusion in the trial are: 

  • Tairawhiti 
  • Te Tai Tokerau 
  • Ōtepoti-Dunedin 
  • Waikato 
  • Porirua 

All secondary schools in these areas will be invited to participate. 

A list of schoolstaking part in the trial can be found below.

About the trial 

The purpose of the role is to support the achievement, wellbeing and retention of Māori and Pacific students in secondary schools, by supporting community and family involvement and cultural engagement; provide opportunities for teachers to develop their cultural leadership skills within the wider school community. It recognises that this work is already being done by Kaiako. 

A kaitiaki group representing Te Huarahi, Secondary Principals’ Council, Komiti Pasifika and the Ministry of Education will oversee the trail. 

The trial is to begin from 28 January 2024 to 27 January 2026 with an interim report available to both parties by 30 May 2025 and a final evaluation report being made available by 31 July 2026. The aim should be to allow for at least one full academic year of the roles being in place before evaluation occurs. The reports will be added to this webpage when they are available. 

The trial will be subject to an evidence-based evaluation against measurable objectives. The collection of data for the trial will begin later in term 1 2024. 

In agreeing to be part of the trial the school would also be agreeing to participate in the assessment, which would include providing requested data and/or facilitating data collection. 

A control group of schools which do not receive the allowance will be established next year. 

What is provided in the trial 

The schools in the trial are each allocated several roles. Each holder of a Community Liaison role will be entitled to a time allowance of 0.04 FTTE and a salary payment of $1,000 per annum. These allowances would be funded in addition to the general school staffing and allowances. The number of allowances per school are determined by a base component plus a number weighted by the Māori and Pasifika rolls of the school.  

The time allowances are to be incorporated into the teacher’s total timetabled non-contact hours for the term of the trial. 

In allocating the roles the first consideration is to be those teachers already working to support Māori and Pasifika learners and their whānau and communities, and to those who do not already hold a time allowance for this type of mahi. Individuals may be allocated more than one of the allowances. 

A list of activities that would make someone eligible for the allowance can be found below. 

What has to be done by the trial schools in term 4 2023 

The roles will not need to be advertised externally but there will need to be consultation with teaching staff in term 4 2023 about their use and identify which staff are already undertaking the work. Internal allocation of the allowances will need to be made before the end of this term and incorporated into next year’s timetable.  

Schools and Kaiako will not be asked to provide any data for the trial during term 4. 

Why the trial is important 

The essential work identified as part of the Community Liaison role is currently undertaken in all schools but is generally unrecognized in terms of time and remuneration. This unaddressed workload contributes to difficulties in recruiting and retaining Kaiako Māori and Pacific Teachers.   

The 2022 claim for the roles to be available in all secondary schools was unsuccessful but we believe that the trial will demonstrate the value of recognizing this work and give mana to the work and to those who undertake it through the provision of time and salary.  

It will gather information on the amount of work members undertake in these areas and develop an evidence base to show how important it is for akonga and for fellow kaiako. 

The outcome of the trial we believe will support the future expansion of the role across all schools which have PPTA members.


Trial areas and schools to be invited to participate (as at 15 August 2024)

School Name Education Region Allowance Allocation Current engagement
Campion College Hawke's Bay/Tairawhiti 9 Allocated allowances
Gisborne Boys' High School Hawke's Bay/Tairawhiti 17 Allocated allowances
Gisborne Girls' High School Hawke's Bay/Tairawhiti 17 Allocated allowances
Lytton High School Hawke's Bay/Tairawhiti 17 Allocated allowances
Tūranga Tangata Rite Hawke's Bay/Tairawhiti 5 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Bay of Islands College Tai Tokerau 6 Allocated allowances
Bream Bay College Tai Tokerau 4 Allocated allowances
Dargaville High School Tai Tokerau 4 Allocated allowances
Kaitaia College Tai Tokerau 8 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Kamo High School Tai Tokerau 6 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Kerikeri High School Tai Tokerau 7 Allocated allowances
Northland College Tai Tokerau 4 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Okaihau College Tai Tokerau 4 Allocated allowances
Otamatea High School Tai Tokerau 4 Allocated allowances
Pompallier Catholic College Tai Tokerau 3 Allocated allowances
Tikipunga High School Tai Tokerau 5 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Whangārei Boys' High School Tai Tokerau 7 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Whangārei Girls’ High School Tai Tokerau 8 Allocated allowances
Whangaroa College Tai Tokerau 3  Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Aotea College Wellington 6 Allocated allowances
Bishop Viard College Wellington 5 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Mana College Wellington 5 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Porirua College Wellington 6 Allocated allowances
Bayfield High School Otago/Southland 3 Not yet allocated allowances but participating in data collection
John McGlashan College Otago/Southland 3 Allocated allowances
Kaikorai Valley College Otago/Southland 3 Allocated allowances
Kings High School (Dunedin) Otago/Southland 4 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Logan Park High School Otago/Southland 3 Allocated allowances
Otago Boys' High School Otago/Southland 4 Allocated allowances
Otago Girls' High School Otago/Southland 3 Allocated allowances
Queens High School Otago/Southland 3 Allocated allowances
St Hildas Collegiate Otago/Southland 3 Allocated allowances
Taieri College Otago/Southland 4 Allocated allowances
Trinity Catholic College Otago/Southland 3 Allocated allowances
Fairfield College Waikato 6 Allocated allowances
Forest View High School Waikato 5 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Fraser High School Waikato 8 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Hamilton Boys' High School Waikato 7 Allocated allowances
Hamilton Girls' High School Waikato 8 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Hauraki Plains College Waikato 4 Allocated allowances
Hillcrest High School Waikato 5 Allocated allowances
Huntly College Waikato 3 Allocated allowances
Matamata College Waikato 4 Allocated allowances
Morrinsville College Waikato 4 Allocated allowances
Nga Taiatea Wharekura Waikato 4 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Ōtorohanga College Waikato 3 Allocated allowances
Paeroa College Waikato 3 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Piopio College Waikato 3 Allocated allowances
Putāruru College Waikato 4 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Reporoa College Bay of Plenty/Waiariki 3 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Rototuna Junior High School Waikato 5 Allocated allowances
Rototuna Senior High School Waikato 3 Allocated allowances
Sacred Heart Girls' College (Ham) Waikato 4 Allocated allowances
St John's College (Hillcrest) Waikato 4 Allocated allowances
Tai Wananga Waikato 3 Allocated allowances
Tauhara College Bay of Plenty/Waiariki 4 Allocated allowances
Taupo-nui-a-Tia College Bay of Plenty/Waiariki 5 Allocated allowances
Te Aroha College Waikato 3 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Te Kauwhata College Waikato 4 Allocated allowances
Te Kōpuku High Waikato 5 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Te Kuiti High School Waikato 4 Not yet allocated allowances but participating in data collection
Thames High School Waikato 3 Allocated allowances
Tokoroa High School Waikato 5 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Tuakau College Auckland 6 Allocated allowances
Waihi College Waikato 4 Not currently engaging but remain eligible to allocate allowances
Waikato Diocesan School For Girls Waikato 3 Allocated allowances

Purpose, eligibility and associated mahi 

Purpose of the allowances  

  1. Recognise the importance and desirability of supporting community and cultural integration in secondary schools,
  2. Support Māori and Pacific engagement with schools to enable those communities to support their children within the school system to maximise their educational success, 
  3. Support the growth of culturally inclusive practices in schools for Māori and Pacific students,
  4. Support activities within the school which are culturally important to the Māori and Pacific communities served by the school, 
  5. Support Māori and Pacific students in their interactions with external agencies,  
  6. Support Māori and Pacific parent interactions with the school and external education agencies,
  7. Assist with the recruitment of graduates and promote the retention of experienced teachers.
  8. Support liaison with iwi and Pacific community groups on matters relating to the school and its Māori and Pacific students, and 
  9. Support non-Māori /Pacific teachers in working with Māori and Pacific students and in developing understanding of Tikanga Māori and Pacific cultures. 


Kaiako in the schools would be eligible to hold the allowance if they undertake any of the work identified below and if they meet the following eligibility criteria: 

  • have current employment as a teacher within the employing school, and 
  • hold a current practising certificate, and 
  • have met professional standards relevant to their current position; and 
  • teaching at least 8 hours per week  
  • have mana/trust and confidence of the community, students and teaching staff 
  • fully meet the Certificated Teachers’ Criteria and associated cultural competencies 
  • can support the cultural responsibilities of the school 
  • can lead or support cultural events in the school 
  • demonstrates successful practice and understanding of: 
    • Implications and applications of the Treaty of Waitangi in educational settings 
    • Working with Māori and/or Pacific students and communities  
    • Māori/Pacific enjoying and achieving educational success as Māori/Pacific  
    • Being open to constructive problem-solving and decision making 
    • Respecting and valuing the culture, knowledge and expertise of others 
    • Building and maintaining relationships of challenge, trust and respect 
    • Creating respectful connections within the school and with parents and whānau  
    • Knowledge of Tikanga Māori or the cultural practices of at least one Pacific community 

Local criteria which do not contradict the national criteria may be added by schools following consultation. Potential allowance holders would need to be advised in writing of the national criteria and of any local criteria. 

Priority in allocating the allowances is to be given to those who are not already receiving a time allowance for the work.  

Associated mahi  

Examples of tasks which support these purposes are: 

Ākonga Māori Activities List  

  • Advising senior leadership on ākonga Māori needs  
  • Educating non-Māori kaiako/teachers on Māori needs and tikanga  
  • Providing/leading professional learning with tikanga and kawa at kura/school related events  
  • Helping kaiako/teachers with Professional Growth Cycle and meeting Teaching Standards  
  • Supporting kaiako/teachers in their learning relationships with ākonga Māori  
  • Getting the kura/school cultural groups up and running  
  • Organising cultural groups which represent the kura/school at official welcomes, prize giving, kura/school visits, festivals/events etc.  
  • Delivering greetings at formal and semi-formal kura/school-related occasions  
  • Translating for the kura/school (e.g., newsletters, signage, correspondence)  
  • Arranging travel/accommodation/hospitality for cultural activities  
  • Mentoring ākonga Māori  
  • Providing tutoring and study groups for ākonga Māori outside of kura/school hours  
  • Tracking ākonga Māori progress  
  • Developing action plans to support ākonga Māori  
  • Supporting English language learners from kura kaupapa Māori  
  • Supporting Te Ao Haka, Māori performing arts, and Ngā Manu Kōrero  
  • Supporting Māori sports and traditional skills  
  • Involved in the provision of NCEA for cultural performances and skills  
  • Taking otherwise unrecognised pastoral care ‘responsibility’ for ākonga Māori  
  • Providing support for ākonga Māori with behavioural needs  
  • Providing support for ākonga Māori with learning needs  
  • Attending meetings with ākonga Māori to provide an appropriate cultural perspective  
  • Visiting whānau Māori to talk about kura/school, aspirations and support of ākonga  
  • Organising/facilitating whānau hui  
  • Organising consultation and information evenings for parents/whānau of ākonga Māori  
  • Attending tangi/unveilings and significant events of whānau Māori  
  • Supporting whānau and ākonga Māori in dealings with other agencies  
  • Engaging with relevant governance groups e.g., mana whenua/iwi/hapū  

Pasifika Students Activities List  

  • Advising senior leadership on Pasifika student needs  
  • Educating non-Pasifika kaiako/teachers on Pasifika student needs  
  • Supporting kaiako/teachers in their learning relationships with Pasifika students  
  • Organising kura/school-related and community based fono  
  • Establishing and running kura/school cultural groups  
  • Organising cultural groups which represent the kura/school at official welcomes, prize giving, kura/school visits, festivals/events etc.  
  • Delivering greetings at formal and semi-formal kura/school-related occasions  
  • Translating for the kura/school (e.g., newsletters, signage, correspondence)  
  • Arranging travel/accommodation/hospitality for cultural activities  
  • Mentoring Pasifika students  
  • Providing tutoring and study groups for Pasifika students outside of kura/school hours  
  • Supporting English language learners  
  • Tracking Pasifika student progress  
  • Developing action plans to support Pasifika students  
  • Involved in the provision of NCEA for cultural performances and skills  
  • Supporting Polyfest and Pasifika performing arts  
  • Taking otherwise unrecognised pastoral care ‘responsibility’ for Pasifika students  
  • Providing support for Pasifika students with behavioural needs  
  • Providing support for Pasifika students with learning needs  
  • Attending meetings with Pasifika students to provide an appropriate cultural perspective  
  • Visiting Pasifika families to talk about kura/school, aspiration and support of students Organising/facilitating family fono  
  • Organising consultation and information evenings for parents/families of Pasifika students  
  • Attending significant events of Pasifika students and family members  
  • Helping families with limited English with translation support 
  • Supporting families and Pasifika students in dealings with other agencies 

Last modified on Friday, 17 May 2024 14:38