The New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association / Te Wehengarua (PPTA) provides ongoing advice, guidance and advocacy for members about their conditions of employment.
Access to professional networks and advice
Where you can take part in decisionmaking and influence the debate on crucial education issues
Access to professional advice, legal advice, employment relations education and dispute resolution.
PPTA Service Award
PPTA has established a service award to recognise the efforts of members who have made an outstanding contribution to the objectives of the association.
The annual award is offered to any full PPTA member who has shown sufficient qualities of leadership and commitment in their service to the association. Award candidates must be nominated by at least two other current full members.
Membership Assistance Fund
Assistance may be provided to members or recent former members who have immediate financial need through no fault of their own. The assistance may be in the form of a grant or a loan of up to $3,500. If a loan is approved, it will normally be for 2 years with fortnightly repayments. Commencement of repayments may be deferred in approved circumstances. Any loan approved will be interest free. Members are defined as full members of at least 12 months standing.

HealthCarePlus (formerly Education Benevolent Society)
One of the great benefits of being a PPTA member is having access to two of the most affordable ‘day to day’ medical plans available in the New Zealand market. Primary Care & Primary Care Extra have been specifically designed for education staff and are exclusively available to union members.
HealthCarePlus is owned by the education unions, with a goal of ensuring that members can access affordable health care throughout their working lives and beyond. HealthCarePlus is not for profit so all surpluses are used for the ultimate benefit of the members.
As well as Primary Care & Primary Care Extra, HealthCarePlus representatives can offer PPTA members:
• Hospital Cover with special benefits if linked to a Primary Care plan
• Risk Insurances at discounted rates (including life, trauma, income & mortgage protection insurances)
• Access to a Home Loans Solution to help members repay debt faster
For more information on any of these benefits call 0800 268 3763 or visit the website
More member benefits
More retail discounts available - log in to the members "My Page" website to see details of these fantastic offers.
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:05