Itinerant Teachers of Music
Itinerant Teachers of Music (ITMs) perform a very important role in secondary schools, supporting the performance aspects of Music courses and enabling students to develop their musical talents in performance.

The ITM role in schools is vulnerable because these teachers are generally part-time, often teaching across a number of schools, and non-permanent.
These guidelines have been prepared by PPTA Te Wehengarua to assist Itinerant Teachers of Music (ITMs) and schools to work their way through a range of issues:
•Gaining and maintaining full registration as a teacher
•Gaining a Limited Authority to Teach
•Appraisal and attestation
•Professional development
•Employment, e.g. advertising, letters of appointment, collective agreement coverage, etc.
(Revised edition May 2017. There is only a slight change in this edition - in the section on Limited Authority to Teach. These guidelines will be revised when the Practising Teacher Criteria are finalised).
The guidelines were developed by a group consisting of ITMs, Music HODs, school leaders and PPTA staff. The registration aspects have been checked by the Education Council for accuracy.
Last modified on Thursday, 27 July 2023 12:07