Professional learning and development (PLD)

Professional learning and development (PLD)

Professional learning and development (PLD) is an integral part of all teachers' professional practice. Schools have an obligation to support the professional development of their staff.

Update: August 5, 2020:

The The PLD toolkit is currently offline as it is being overhauled, but it should be available again shortly. The PLD research reports are still available above.


The PLD toolkit comprises information and an audit process that can be used to support improved practices and outcomes for teachers and learners in New Zealand secondary and area schools.

It can be used in at least two ways: Firstly, we invite staff responsible for leading and managing PLD to use the toolkit as a guide and measure to support the establishment and maintenance of good policy and practice. Secondly, the toolkit is a resource for branches to use where their school’s PLD processes are not transparent, perceived as unhelpful or ineffective, or in need of a thorough review.

PLD research reports

The research reports, based on PPTA Te Wehengarua surveys, show teachers and school leaders agree current professional learning and development (PLD) provision is inadequate, piecemeal and incoherent.

Teachers want more PLD opportunities, preferably with colleagues from other schools, led by an expert facilitator with valuable and trusted external expertise.

For many teachers the least effective PLD is a whole staff transmission model delivered in-house.

Teachers want a variety of PLD and while they value especially in-depth professional learning community based work, they also value the opportunity to go to one-off workshops that enhance their knowledge in particular areas, such as the NZQA best practice workshops.

Teachers and school leaders have subtle differences in their perceptions of PLD and value the work being done in slightly different ways, but agree completely in their desire for locally trusted, officially sanctioned, effective PLD to be made more available to them in the future.



Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:10