Education change management toolkit
PPTA Te Wehengarua advice on effective education change management. This toolkit contains general principles for implementing successful education change in schools.
Included in the toolkit is a draft policy which branches can discuss with their boards.
Effective change is not a random act.
The goal should always be thoughtful and coherent change. Change is not the same as improvement.
Strategic change for improvement
Two fundamental tests which should always be considered before taking the decision to launch a change are:
- Does the evidence justify this change as likely to cause improvement?
- Is an appropriate implementation process in place to manage this change?
These questions are often not properly answered at the school level or at the national level before educational change is begun.
Education Change Management Toolkit
Teachers know education does not stand still, and welcome thoughtful and coherent change that is in the best interests of students. Change will inevitably impact on teachers because the learning conditions of students are also the working conditions of teachers.
Last modified on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 08:33