Māori Teachers' Conference 2024
Welcome to the 29th PPTA Te Wehengarua National Māori Teachers' Conference.
The conference will be held from Sunday 7th to Monday 8th July at the Sudima Hotel, Rotorua.

To purchase "TOITŪ TE TIRITI T-SHIRT": https://nzppta.ezymerch.co.nz/
Below is a survey for those who attended MTC2024, responses are completely anonymous.
To take the survey, click on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FXS9TWJ
“Ko au ko te Taiao
Ko te Taiao ko au”
(In us is the world, and the world is us)
Tūtawa mai i runga
Tūtawa mai i raro
Tūtawa mai i roto
Tūtawa mai i waho
Kia tau ai te mauri tū, te mauri ora
Ki te katoa
Haumi e, hui e, tāiki e.
Kei ngā maunga, ngā awa, ngā mātāwaka o te motu,
Tēnā koutou katoa
E ngā reo, e ngā mana, e ngā waka
E ngā kārangaranga maha
Tēnā koutou katoa
Kei aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi. Kei aku whakateitei ki te whenua
Tēnā koutou katoa.
He karanga tēnei ki ngā kaiako Māori katoa o te motu i ngā kura tuarua, ahakoa e mahi ana koe ki whea, nau mai, haere mai ki te Hui-ā-tau 29 ki te Sudima Hotel i Rotorua, 7-8 o Hōngongoi 2024.
This conference is for secondary, wharekura and area kaiako only. Please note that due to pressure of numbers wanting to attend this conference and the limited space available, we will not be accepting registrations from primary or private school teachers this year.
Talks and workshops will focus on empowering Māori teachers and learners with an emphasis on the environment. As well as a great line-up of keynote speakers sharing their knowledge and vision, the conference will also incorporate practical hands-on focus with workshops sessions.
Registration and food are free. Delegates need to arrange their own travel and seek funding from their Kura or PPTA region for both travel and accommodation. Rooms are being held at a discounted rate at the Sudima Hotel until Thursday 6 June. After this time their general room rates will apply. When you register using the link below, you will be sent a separate link to use for booking your accommodation with the Sudima. Please only use this method to book with them.
Registrations for Māori Teachers' Conference have now closed
Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake and the wider PPTA Te Wehengarua whānau look forward to seeing you in Rotorua in July 2024.
Ngā mihi
Miriama Barton / Angela O’Donnell-King
Kaihautū Māori
Last modified on Thursday, 11 July 2024 12:47