Delegate Leadership Development Workshop (DLD) and Issues & Organising Seminar (I&O)

The 2025 Delegate Leadership Development Workshop and Issues and Organising Seminar are an opportunity for our activists and office holders to get together and plan for the year ahead.

7 March - 9 March 2025

Issues and Organising Seminar 2025 Resources are available on the delegate side of the website. You can find the login link here:

The PPTA Delegate Leadership Development workshops for regional office-holders will be held on Friday 7 March 2025, and the PPTA Issues and Organising Seminar will be held on Saturday 8 March and Sunday 9 March 2025.

The workshops and seminar are being held at the Brentwood Hotel, Kilbirnie, Wellington.

Everyone wanting to attend the workshop or the seminar must have approval from their region and must complete the online registration form.

Confirmation will be emailed to attendees upon receipt of their online registration.  Attendees will receive a further email once their registration is processed which will include any travel and accommodation arrangements.

Registrations close Wednesday 19th February 2025

Delegate Leadership Development Workshop (Friday 7 March)

The workshops are being held for regional chairpersons, establishing teachers’ reps, neurodivergent rep, men’s reps, pasifika co-ordinators, rainbow network coordinators, secretaries, treasurers, te reo-a-rohe and women’s network reps.

The workshops are Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment approved, and people registering for this day must also advise their local field office so their school can be advised that they will be on employment relations education leave (ERE leave) that day.

National Office will cover all costs (travel, accommodation on a twin share basis, and meals) for these people to attend the workshops and the seminar.

While the programme is yet to be confirmed it is anticipated that the day will start with a Mihi Whakatau at 9.45am on Friday and finish around 5.00pm.

Issues and Organising Seminar (Saturday & Sunday 8 - 9 March)

The seminar will start on Saturday with a powhiri at 9.00am and will conclude at 12.00pm with lunch on Sunday.

People wishing to attend the I&O must have approval from their region before they register for the event.

Costs for regional officers will be covered by national office. 

Regions will cover the costs of all meals, travel and accommodation (on a twin-share basis) for activists, Te Huarahi and Executive members.

Travelling to Wellington

Travel will be arranged by national office and accommodation will be provided at the venue for people from out of town.

An itinerary will be forwarded to attendees as soon as bookings are made.

Attendees are asked not to request changes to their itinerary (unless absolutely necessary) as changes are likely to incur additional charges and these will be passed on to them.  Any changes will require the authorisation of the DGS Membership.

Attendees from the Wellington, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa and Manawatū-Whanganui regions should travel by train, bus or car.  Attendees from these regions travelling to the event(s) are requested to car-share if possible.  Those who bring their own car will be reimbursed at $1.04 per km.

Attendees from regions other than Wellington, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa and Manawatū-Whanganui, who are entitled to travel by air but choose to drive, are reimbursed either $1.04 per km or the average cost of a return airfare, whichever is the cheaper.


There are a limited number of rooms available at the Brentwood Hotel for the event and accommodation maybe spread across two venues. The single room surcharge is $85.00 per night.

Extra nights will be arranged for attendees only if airline schedules or the distance from their home to their nearest airport makes it necessary to arrive earlier or stay longer. 


All meals are provided at the hotel for the duration of the workshops and seminar.  You have the choice to opt out of dinner on either Friday or Saturday night when you are completing your online registration.

PPTA covers the cost of a continental breakfast.  If people wish to have a cooked breakfast they must pay the additional $6.00 when they check out.

If you are required to travel to Wellington the day before or after the event you will be entitled to claim breakfast ($18) and dinner ($45 not including alcohol). 

If you need to leave home early to commence your journey to Wellington, or travel late on your return after 7 pm, you may claim a meal allowance as above. You will need to get receipts as reimbursements cannot be paid without one.

Who should attend?

Friday, Saturday & Sunday:
(funded by National Office)

  • regional chairpersons and ward reps (one per Auckland ward)
  • regional establishing teachers’ reps
  • regional neurodivergent rep
  • regional men’s reps
  • regional pasifika coordinators
  • regional rainbow network coordinators
  • regional secretaries
  • regional treasurers
  • regional women’s coordinators
  • te reo-a-rohe 

Friday, Saturday & Sunday:
(funded by regions)

  • deputy and/or co-chairs (if region wishes)

Saturday & Sunday only:
(funded by regions)

  • any other member who wishes to attend and who is approved by their region 

Regional costs

Executive asks regions to support the attendance of other attendees to the seminar.

Further information

For further details on the seminar, email Julie Elliott at  


 Registrations for DLD and I&O Seminar has now closed 

Last modified on Thursday, 13 March 2025 10:01