Part 8: Removal Expenses (STCA)
This part of the agreement covers entitlement to removal (relocation) expenses if you are shifting schools.
A teacher who holds a permanent or long-term relieving position is eligible for removal (relocation) expenses in the following circumstances...
Ministry of Education website - if you are shifing schools
8.1 Eligibility
8.2 Entitlement
8.1 Eligibility
8.1.1 A teacher who holds a permanent or long-term relieving position is eligible for removal expenses as set out in Appendix C in the following circumstances:
Relocating to another housing district
Moving from employment in a State or State-Integrated school to employment in a different State or State-Integrated school | ||
Appointment to a position on promotion | Promotion is defined as an appointment to a position carrying a higher number of permanent units or a position that carries more status and responsibility and is equal or lower in salary. | All applicable removal expenses |
Shifting from a staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school to a permanent position or a long- term relieving position | A teacher must have completed continuous service totalling at least three years in one or more staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school(s).If during the period of the teacher's employment the school loses its classification the entitlement is retained as long as the teacher fulfils the continuous service requirement. | All applicable removal expenses |
Teacher’s position disestablished or reduced in grade but not lost, due to falling rolls | Where the teacher takes up a temporary or relieving position and later moves again to a permanent position | All applicable removal expenses |
Teacher’s position lost through no personal fault e.g. through disestablishment, closure, amalgamation or translation of a school | All applicable removal expenses | |
Itinerant music teachers taking up an appointment in Southland | All applicable removal expenses | |
Protected country service | Teachers who held an entitlement to removals from a country service school when the former country service provisions were replaced by the staffing incentives package, preserve that entitlement for their next position in the education service. | All applicable removal expenses |
Teachers on long-term specialist courses of at least one academic year’s duration | · A teacher who has been granted leave by their Board and has to move to attend a Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga approved long-term specialist course.· A teacher moving to their first subsequent permanent appointment after the course is completed. | All applicable removal expenses |
Direction of school closure by the Minister of Education as a result of an earthquake, fire, flood or other natural disaster | Any teacher appointed to another school or position A teacher who is obliged to live away from home while holding a temporary position. |
Actual and reasonable applicable removal expenses Actual and reasonable expenses. |
Appointed to a role in a State or State Integrated School – does not need to be moving from employment in a State or State Integrated School | ||
First permanent appointment following graduation from a course of teacher training recognised by the Secretary for Education (except where that appointment is to a staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school) | The teacher must be resident in New Zealand at the time of appointment | · The cost of public transport (including airfares where necessary) for the teacher and dependants, or if public transport is not available, the appropriate motor vehicle rate to the nearest point of public transport;· The cost of removal of furniture and effects;· When a teacher sells a house and buys another within one year of first appointment, actual legal expenses up to $1000.00. |
Appointment to a permanent position in a staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school | The school is designated by the Secretary as a staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school. | All applicable removal expenses incurred within New Zealand |
Teachers returning from sponsored schemes overseas | A teacher returning to a New Zealand appointment following service overseas as part of a government to government contract | All applicable removal expenses incurred within New Zealand |
Note: For the purposes of clause 8.1.1 relocating to another housing district means where the shortest distance by road between either the current residence or current employing school and new employing school is 70 kilometres or more.
Relocating within a housing district
The teacher occupies a school residence which the teacher has to vacate because it is being replaced or extensively renovated | The teacher and any dependents are required to board during renovations | Rent subsidy and all applicable removal expenses. |
The teacher is required by the Board to move to a school residence | All applicable removal expenses |
8.1.2 Where the teacher requires the transfer of effects and transit insurance, the teacher must use the provider contracted by the Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.
8.1.3 For the purposes of this Part, appointment to a long-term relieving position must be for four terms or longer.
8.14 All relocations must relate to employment in a state or state integrated school.
8.2 Entitlement
8.2.1 Teachers eligible for removal expenses under 8.1 of this Part are entitled to the following expenses, grants and allowances as appropriate as specified in Appendix C:
(a) Travelling expenses;
(b) Accommodation expenses;
(c) Rent subsidy;
(d) Furniture removal;
(e) Legal fees and land agent’s commission;
(f) Penalty mortgage repayment charges;
(g) Transfer grant;
(h) Leave and expenses for a teacher separated from their dependants to visit them, including to assist with their transfer to the new location;
(i) Expenses for a teacher with dependants to inspect prospective accommodation in the new location;
(j) Telephone reconnection charges.
Note: These provisions shall be applied in accordance with any administrative conditions that were in effect at the commencement of this Agreement or modifications to the administrative conditions made as a result of this Agreement. Nothing in these provisions shall be read as extending any entitlement beyond that which existed at the commencement of this Agreement except as may be expressly agreed to by the Secretary for Education after consultation with the Association.
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:08