The final claims for the STCA and the ASTCA have been endorsed by the member ballot held last week. Click the link to see the next steps (Mypage)

Final Claims Result



Charter Schools Submissions

UPDATE WEDNESDAY 24 JULY: On 23 July, two days before the deadline for submissions, the Associate Minister of Education lodged an Amendment Paper to the bill. Due to this amendment, the submission deadline has been extended by 2 working days until 5pm on Monday 29 July. This Amendment proposes the following changes to the legislation:

  1. Stopping unions from initiating bargaining for multi-employer collective agreements.
  2. Stopping workers in state schools from refusing to provide services to a charter school, if that instruction would otherwise be a lawfuland reasonable instruction.
  3. Allowing converted charter schools to maintain shared education services arrangements with state schools.

Read the Amendment here:

Read our media statement “Government trying to patch up charter school model before it’s even started” here:

The proposed charter schools legislation was introduced to Parliament on June 23. It details how charter schools will be reintroduced in New Zealand – including the process for school conversions and how this effects the conditions of employment for teachers and staff already in the school. Summary information on the legislation is detailed in the links at the bottom of this page.

There are actions you can take and ways you can prepare to participate in the consultation process of this Bill. These include passing the Branch Resolution Against Charter School Conversion in your branch, and preparing a written submission to the select committee process.

We hosted informative webinars for members to provide support in preparing your submission to the Education and Workforce Select Committee. The recordings of this webinar are in the video below.


Submissions have now closed


PPTA Charter Schools: How to make a Select Committee submission

Last modified on Tuesday, 9 July 2024 13:56