Research, guides, information and policies published by PPTA Te Wehengarua
National Standards
Annual conference papers
Handbooks & Toolkits
Class size
Collective agreements
Hours of work
Communities of learning
Salaries (pay) and allowances
Your rights
Secondary Principals' Council
Secondary Principals Collective Agreement 2022 2025 includes variation 30 October 2023
730 KB
November 9, 2023
17-12-05 Preparing For Negotiations
466 KB
August 17, 2020
18 reasons for 18 credits - managing student and teacher assessment workload
May 17, 2023
August 28, 2020
2014 PPTA News November - December (vol.35 no.10)
Valuing teachers as one - President's viewpoint p.3;
Two lands connect 2014 (AEU) Federal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Conference) p.4;
Well batted, Norm (Norm Austin reflects on 43 years with the…
Two lands connect 2014 (AEU) Federal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Conference) p.4;
Well batted, Norm (Norm Austin reflects on 43 years with the…
2.5 MB
August 17, 2020
2014 PPTA News October (vol.35 no.9)
Step inside the gates - President's viewpoint p.3;
Novopay's walking wounded p.4;
Former president farewelled p.5;
New doco details daily toil of teachers p.5;
A stormy year (Annual Conference) p.6;
Going the distance (Phillipstown Technology…
Novopay's walking wounded p.4;
Former president farewelled p.5;
New doco details daily toil of teachers p.5;
A stormy year (Annual Conference) p.6;
Going the distance (Phillipstown Technology…
1.6 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 NZPPTA Annual Report
2015-2016 Annual report and consolidated financial statements of the New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association.
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News April - May (vol.36 no.3)
Authorisation bought - President's viewpoint p.3;
Ideas generation (PPTA Network of Establishing Teachers (NETs) conference) p.4;
Northland PPTA says no to TPPA p.5;
Holding back the iHunch p.6;
The charade behind the facade (Charter…
Ideas generation (PPTA Network of Establishing Teachers (NETs) conference) p.4;
Northland PPTA says no to TPPA p.5;
Holding back the iHunch p.6;
The charade behind the facade (Charter…
1.2 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News August (vol.36 no.6)
Gratuitous whimsy - President's viewpoint p.3;
A passion for putaiao (Science curiculum) p.4;
Student told not to ask "those" questions (Student transition) p.5;
NZ education issues get a global audience (Education International) p.6;
A passion for putaiao (Science curiculum) p.4;
Student told not to ask "those" questions (Student transition) p.5;
NZ education issues get a global audience (Education International) p.6;
1.5 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News February (vol.36 no.1)
Jekyll & Hyde - President's viewpoint p.3;
On debut (Two new faces PPTA National Office) p.4;
From the heart (PB4L at Avondale College) p.5;
Respect and identity (Transgender in schools) p.6;
Supermarket heroes (First…
On debut (Two new faces PPTA National Office) p.4;
From the heart (PB4L at Avondale College) p.5;
Respect and identity (Transgender in schools) p.6;
Supermarket heroes (First…
1.9 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News July (vol.36 no.5)
A qualified report - President's viewpoint p.3;
Te ihi te wehi te wana (Maori Teachers' Conference) p.4;
Wellbeing in schools: 3-day course by teachers for teachers p.5;
Playing safe (Anti-bullying) p.6;
Letter - You…
Te ihi te wehi te wana (Maori Teachers' Conference) p.4;
Wellbeing in schools: 3-day course by teachers for teachers p.5;
Playing safe (Anti-bullying) p.6;
Letter - You…
3.1 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News June (vol.36 no.4)
ERO's quick-fix heroes - President's viewpoint p.3;
Forces align against bullying (Pink shirt day) p.4;
Don't talk back (Cyberbullying) p.5;
Freedom beyond violence (White Ribbon movement) p.6;
What will the Vulnerable Children Act 2015…
Forces align against bullying (Pink shirt day) p.4;
Don't talk back (Cyberbullying) p.5;
Freedom beyond violence (White Ribbon movement) p.6;
What will the Vulnerable Children Act 2015…
3.1 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News March (vol.36 no. 2)
Doing more with less makes us all mad - President's viewpoint p.3;
Plaudits for Pukekohe branch chair (Guy Allan Award) p.4;
First charter school on last warning p.5;
Robin Duff (Obituary) p.6;
New Zealand…
Plaudits for Pukekohe branch chair (Guy Allan Award) p.4;
First charter school on last warning p.5;
Robin Duff (Obituary) p.6;
New Zealand…
1.9 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News November - December (vol.36 no.9)
2016: preparing for working parties and pantomimes - President's viewpoint p.3;
For the common good (Creative commons) p.4;
Raising the age of foster care overdue p.5;
Buzzwords and flimsy research mar process (Children's…
For the common good (Creative commons) p.4;
Raising the age of foster care overdue p.5;
Buzzwords and flimsy research mar process (Children's…
1.9 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News October (vol.36 no.8)
Community solidarity bringing change for working people - President's viewpoint p.3;
Learning from our students p.4;
Genuine inclusion needs more funding p.5;
New legislation raises the stakes (Health and Safety) p.6;…
Learning from our students p.4;
Genuine inclusion needs more funding p.5;
New legislation raises the stakes (Health and Safety) p.6;…
1.1 MB
August 17, 2020
2015 PPTA News September (vol.36 no. 7)
Life under the big top - President's viewpoint p.3;
Maori girls' college challenges government double standard (Turakina) p.4;
Flawed model has no place in NZ - Labour (Charter schools) p.5;
Maori girls' college challenges government double standard (Turakina) p.4;
Flawed model has no place in NZ - Labour (Charter schools) p.5;
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 NZPPTA Annual Report
2016-2017 Annual report and consolidated financial statements of the New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association Te Wehengarua.
1.3 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News April (vol.37 no.2)
Let's try learner-centred PLD for teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Reward for long hours of toil (Guy Allan Branch Activism Award presented to Claire Couch) p.4;
"Constancy and absolute belief" contribute to…
Reward for long hours of toil (Guy Allan Branch Activism Award presented to Claire Couch) p.4;
"Constancy and absolute belief" contribute to…
2.2 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News December (vol.37 no.9)
Table of contents:
We can be heroes, just for one day - President's viewpoint p.3;
Code of professional responsibility - p.4;
What is Pasifika success? - p.5;
Middle management debate - p.6;
We can be heroes, just for one day - President's viewpoint p.3;
Code of professional responsibility - p.4;
What is Pasifika success? - p.5;
Middle management debate - p.6;
1.8 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News Feb-Mar (vol.37 no.1)
We need you activists - President's viewpoint p.3;
Celebrating 70 years of shared teaching expertise (Teachers’ Refresher Course
Committee (TRCC)) p.4;
Obituary: Ida Gaskin 1921 - 2016 p.5;
Charter school board should be sacked…
Celebrating 70 years of shared teaching expertise (Teachers’ Refresher Course
Committee (TRCC)) p.4;
Obituary: Ida Gaskin 1921 - 2016 p.5;
Charter school board should be sacked…
2.1 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News July - August (vol.37 no. 5)
Braving the storm - President's viewpoint p.3;
Treaty partners at co-governed school (Nga Puna O Waiorea, Western Springs College) p.4;
The Global Budget - bulk funding by another name p.6;
The power of…
Treaty partners at co-governed school (Nga Puna O Waiorea, Western Springs College) p.4;
The Global Budget - bulk funding by another name p.6;
The power of…
2.4 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News June (vol.37 no.4 )
Pragmatic problem-solver will be missed - President's viewpoint p.3;
Academic mentoring at Lytton High School p.4;
Kaiapoi High School traffic issues p.6;
Should New Zealand history be compulsory (Debate) p.7;
Familiar faces, new roles…
Academic mentoring at Lytton High School p.4;
Kaiapoi High School traffic issues p.6;
Should New Zealand history be compulsory (Debate) p.7;
Familiar faces, new roles…
2.1 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News May (vol.37 no.3)
Systematic betrayal - President's viewpoint p.3;
Paid parental leave p.4;
PPTA helps students in Thai border region p.4;
PPTA opposes call to deny principals voting rights p.5;
Members encouraged to respond to ministry's census…
Paid parental leave p.4;
PPTA helps students in Thai border region p.4;
PPTA opposes call to deny principals voting rights p.5;
Members encouraged to respond to ministry's census…
1.5 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News November (vol.37 no.8)
Table of contents:
Remembering Helen Kelly - President's viewpoint p.3;
Privatising and profiteering - Examining the COOL proposal p.4;
Funding or Fantasy? - Opinion, Luke East, Year 13 student p.5;
Teacher supply…
Remembering Helen Kelly - President's viewpoint p.3;
Privatising and profiteering - Examining the COOL proposal p.4;
Funding or Fantasy? - Opinion, Luke East, Year 13 student p.5;
Teacher supply…
1.4 MB
August 17, 2020
2016 PPTA News October (vol.37 no.7)
Table of contents:
Teachable moments - President's viewpoint p.3;
Palmy pioneers collaborative school community (Palmerston North CoL) p.4;
Treaty workshops in schools - p.5;
Cooking with the minister - How to boil an egg…
Teachable moments - President's viewpoint p.3;
Palmy pioneers collaborative school community (Palmerston North CoL) p.4;
Treaty workshops in schools - p.5;
Cooking with the minister - How to boil an egg…
2.6 MB
August 17, 2020