Research, guides, information and policies published by PPTA Te Wehengarua
National Standards
Annual conference papers
Handbooks & Toolkits
Class size
Collective agreements
Hours of work
Communities of learning
Salaries (pay) and allowances
Your rights
Secondary Principals' Council
2016 PPTA News September (vol.37 no.6)
Somebody is thinking of the children - President's viewpoint p.3;
A chance for children (He Huarahi Tamariki) p.4;
Crossing cultural barriers through movement (Louise Fielder) p.6;
Examining the teacher laptop scheme (TELA) p.7;
A chance for children (He Huarahi Tamariki) p.4;
Crossing cultural barriers through movement (Louise Fielder) p.6;
Examining the teacher laptop scheme (TELA) p.7;
2.6 MB
August 17, 2020
2017 August PPTA News party education policies
PPTA News asked political parties how they would respond to the big issues in education as part of a government.
This table is shows PPTA’s summary of longer answers provided…
This table is shows PPTA’s summary of longer answers provided…
121 KB
August 17, 2020
2017 Ngā Manu Kōrero speech topics
Ngā Manu Kōrero topics Māori and English
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News April (vol.38 no.2)
Working with the people who matter most - President's viewpoint p.3;
Morning teas a #Winning formula p.4;
Professionals gather to advance public education (Issues and Organising seminar) p.5;
Staunch activist stands up…
Morning teas a #Winning formula p.4;
Professionals gather to advance public education (Issues and Organising seminar) p.5;
Staunch activist stands up…
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News August (vol.38 no.5)
The August edition of PPTA News: the magazine for New Zealand secondary teachers.
Table of contents:
Working with the people who matter most - President's viewpoint p.3;
Albany Senior High…
Table of contents:
Working with the people who matter most - President's viewpoint p.3;
Albany Senior High…
1.6 MB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News February-March (vol.38 no.1)
The cost of change for change's sake - President's viewpoint p.3;
Bulk funding - gone by morning tea time p.4;
Introducing the new faces of PPTA p.5;
Excessive teacher workload is hurting…
Bulk funding - gone by morning tea time p.4;
Introducing the new faces of PPTA p.5;
Excessive teacher workload is hurting…
2.1 MB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News July (vol.38 no.4)
The July edition of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers.
Table of contents
Education isn't an island - President's viewpoint p.3;
Mental health teaching resources to receive upgrade p.4-5;
Table of contents
Education isn't an island - President's viewpoint p.3;
Mental health teaching resources to receive upgrade p.4-5;
1.4 MB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News May June (vol. 38 no.3)
Contents include:
Raising the status of teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Teaching teens to take part in political decisions (civics education) p.4;
An education wish-list for election 2017 p.5;
Looking Forward, Looking Back…
Raising the status of teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Teaching teens to take part in political decisions (civics education) p.4;
An education wish-list for election 2017 p.5;
Looking Forward, Looking Back…
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News November-December (vol.38 no.7)
The November December issue of PPTA News: the magazine for New Zealand secondary teachers.
Table of contents:
Time for teachers to secure their own oxygen masks - President's viewpoint p.3;…
Table of contents:
Time for teachers to secure their own oxygen masks - President's viewpoint p.3;…
1.4 MB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News September October (vol 38. no.6)
The September October edition of PPTA News: the magazine for New Zealand secondary teachers.
Table of contents:
It's all about the kids...and the teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Charter schools fail to…
Table of contents:
It's all about the kids...and the teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Charter schools fail to…
1.6 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 Māori Teachers' Conference registration form
144 KB
August 17, 2020
2018 PPTA News April (Vol 39 No2)
2018 PPTA News April (Vol 39 No2)
1.7 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 PPTA News August (vol.39 no.5)
The August issue of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers
Table of contents:
Being on the right side of history – president’s viewpoint p.3;
Standing together - union solidarity p.4;
Table of contents:
Being on the right side of history – president’s viewpoint p.3;
Standing together - union solidarity p.4;
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 PPTA News February March (vol 39. no.1)
The February March edition of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers.
Table of contents:
Our pay and the conditions of our employment - President's viewpoint p.3;
PPTA joins…
Table of contents:
Our pay and the conditions of our employment - President's viewpoint p.3;
PPTA joins…
2.6 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 PPTA News June July (vol 39. no 4)
The June/July issue of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers
Table of contents:
Drawing strength from past victories - guest viewpoint p.3;
West Coast schools supporting new teachers p.4;
Table of contents:
Drawing strength from past victories - guest viewpoint p.3;
West Coast schools supporting new teachers p.4;
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 PPTA News May (vol.39 no.3)
The May edition of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers
Table of contents:
Time for a Bigger Pie - president's viewpoint p.3;
Teachers celebrate Pasifika culture p.4;
Collaboration for change…
Table of contents:
Time for a Bigger Pie - president's viewpoint p.3;
Teachers celebrate Pasifika culture p.4;
Collaboration for change…
1.4 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 PPTA News November December (vol. 39 no.7)
The November-December 2018 issue of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers
Table of contents:
Partnership requires transparency – viewpoint p.3;
Mahi tika – learning to make a difference p.4;
Meet your…
Table of contents:
Partnership requires transparency – viewpoint p.3;
Mahi tika – learning to make a difference p.4;
Meet your…
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 PPTA News September October (vol.39 no.6)
The September-October issue of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers
Table of contents:
Making teacher supply a priority – guest viewpoint p.3;
The 80s called and they want their salary…
Table of contents:
Making teacher supply a priority – guest viewpoint p.3;
The 80s called and they want their salary…
1.1 MB
August 17, 2020
2018 Review of NCEA (presentation notes)
(August 2017) PPTA has been talking with groups of members about the upcoming review of NCEA. This is one of the presentations that has been used.
122 KB
August 17, 2020
2018 Secondary Staffing Survey report
In term one 2018 the principals of secondary schools and composite schools with secondary rolls were surveyed about their staffing situation. The questions focused on the broader aspects of the…
2 MB
August 17, 2020
2018-03-27 Submission on Education (Teaching Council of Aotearoa) Amendment Bill covering letter
69 KB
August 17, 2020
2018-03-27 Submission on the Education (Teaching Council of Aotearoa) Amendment Bill
PPTA is supportive of this legislation, as it puts teachers back on par with other professionals, like lawyers, doctors and nurses, who elect their own representatives to their professional bodies.
108 KB
August 17, 2020
2018-04-18 PPTA Submission On COOLs
PPTA submission on proposed repeal of Communities of Online Learning and changes to correspondence education.
185 KB
August 17, 2020
2018-05-28 Submission to the Tax Working Group on the Future of Tax April 2018
PPTA's submission to the Tax Working Group about education, the economy and the tax system.
301 KB
August 17, 2020
2018-06-05 PPTA submission to the Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry
What's working well and what isn't mental health-wise scross schools in New Zealand.
392 KB
August 17, 2020