Quality Teaching for Excellence and Equity: Report from PPTA's Quality Teaching Taskforce
The report of the PPTA Te Wehengarua Quality Teaching Taskforce (QTT). The Taskforce was set up to define the profession's case for what will promote and enhance system wide quality teaching for students,
The focus is on what helps teachers be the best that they can be throughout their careers.
No-one cares more than teachers about making education as good as it can be, and no-one knows better than teachers how to do it.
The report identifies the following as the most significant strategies for education systems to enhance and promote quality teaching:
- Collaborative professional inquiry
- Career pathways to share good practice
- Ongoing and resourced professional learning
- Developmental appraisal systems
- Shared understanding of quality teaching through aspirational criteria.
Many factors, which undoubtedly affect teacher's work and student learning, fall outside of the scope of this report. Some of these are touched on because the context in which teaching takes place cannot be tidily cut off from the act of teaching.
This report focuses largely on teacher performance and development, as one important element in making our already excellent education system even better. As Dewey said, we must aim for the best possible education for all our young people.
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:10