Pasifika Fono 2024
PPTA Komiti Pasifika is pleased to invite our Pasifika teachers and teachers of Pasifika ākonga to attend the 2024 Pasifika Fono

The Fono takes place over two days in the July school break – July 10th and 11th 2024. This year we are back in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and the Fono will be held at the Sudima Auckland Airport Hotel.
PPTA Te Wehengarua is fully funding the cost of registration for the Fono for our members, but please note, we do not cover the cost of travel or accommodation. You should contact your Regional Committee to see if there is funding available for you to attend. Some schools also have funding available for PLD.
Please contact Kylee Houpapa ( if you are not a member of PPTA but wish to attend.
Register now to secure your spot, we are limited to 150 places. The programme and information on our keynote speakers will be available closer to the date.
Registrations for the conference have now closed
Delegates who wish to stay at the Sudima for the Fono can book using this link Sudima Hotel Auckland Airport ( and enter the promo code.
The discount of 15% applies to the Best Flexible Rate on the website at the time of booking, which will fluctuate depending on date of booking.
Expressions of Interest application to run a workshop
Last modified on Thursday, 11 July 2024 12:47