Save the date: Paid Union Meetings February 2022
PUMs scheduled for late Term 4 have been postponed until early next year due to delayed NCEA exams

The Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement and the Area Schools Teachers’ Collective Agreement will both expire next year, and we are in the process of developing claims for the next bargaining round.
We had hoped to hold Paid Union Meetings (PUMs) late in term four of this year, but the delay to the NCEA exam timetable due to Covid-19 disruptions meant this was no longer practical for teachers and schools.
Branch-based PUMs
These PUMs will now take place from 21 - 25 February 2022. They will be branch based rather than regional due to continued uncertainty around Covid-19 alert levels. Branch committees should choose an appropriate half-day during that week to hold their PUM. The law states that you must give at least 14 days notice of a PUM but we are aware that many schools will already be in the process of organising their calenders for Term 1 2022. We encourage branches to go ahead and notify your PUM dates this year if you can, to give clarity to schools, students and whānau.
There is a template letter - on the Paid Union Meetings 2022 page in the Member section of the PPTA website - for notifying your principal of your intention to hold a PUM on the PPTA website. Fill in your school details and PUM date and email the letter to your principal and board of trustees chairperson.
What will happen at the PUMs?
The PUMs are primarily for members to have their say as to what they would like to claim in the next collective agreement. Branches will have time to discuss possible claims and then submit feedback. There will also be the opportunity to discuss and give feedback on claims that we are already considering and working towards, such as changes to the hours of work section.
These PUMs will also be taking place during the Teaching Council governance board elections, so time will be allowed at the meetings for teachers to vote for their representatives.
Start having your say now
Any members who would like to start having input into the claims development process can do so already, through the PPTA website. On the member-only dashboard, you will find a series of short video clips that explain the different headings we are collecting claims under and invite you to submit your suggestions.
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:11