Against hatred we send love
Messages from PPTA members to their Christchurch colleagues and the Muslim community

(Feature image art by River Jayden of Street Wise)
15 March 2019 is a day that will be etched onto our psyche forever. We send love, sympathy and condolences to the victims of the terror attack in Christchurch, their families and communities.
We want to honour the teachers of Christchurch who loved and protected their students and kept them safe, even as they were afraid themselves. We want to offer our support and aroha to the Muslim community throughout the country and those of all faiths and ethnicities who may be feeling suddenly vulnerable after these terrible events. We want to let them know there is no room for ignorance and hate in our schools.
We have had messages of support pouring in from all over the country and we will continue to update this page with them as they arrive.
Aroha from the West Coast
Kia ora whanau,
The thoughts,
aroha and prayers of the West Coast PPTA go out to all teachers, their family, loved ones, students and the whole extended Christchurch whanau.
A student of teachers like you wrote “If you want to end the war then Instead of sending guns, send books. Instead of sending tanks, send pens. Instead of sending soldiers, send teachers.” ~ Malala Yousafzai (17 year-old Noble Peace Laureate)
Every day you go to work and help shape the minds of the next generation. To help them see that this hate is the antithesis of the human condition, every day you find yourself fighting the battle against ignorance and hate.
It might seem little, talking to a student about why it is not ok to say those things. You might think that your daily discussions with students about inclusion are insignificant but as Desmond Tutu reminds us “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
If there is any little good we can do to help you continue to do the amazing job you do please don't hesitate to ask.
Kia kaha,
Michael Waller Regional Chair - West Coast
We stand with you in these dark times - Tawa College
Ka tangi ana ā tātou ngākau mō ō tātou whānaunga me ngā whānau pani o te Wheao a Ihirama. Ko tēnei whenua ko te tūrangawaewae mō ngā tangata katoa huri noa i te Ao Marama. Ka tū mātou ki te taha o ō tātou whānau me ngā hāpori ki Ōtautahi I tēnei wā pouri.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum. Kia tau, kia rongo ai tātou i te aroha me te rangimārie, mō ake tonu atu.
We are shocked and saddened to learn of the tragic events on Friday. We would like to express our support and solidarity with all those affected in Christchurch, all our teacher and student whānau, and especially our Muslim communities. We stand with you in these dark times.
PPTA Tawa College Branch Officers
Our deepest Sympathies - PPTA president Jack Boyle
Our deepest sympathy and condolences go to all the victims of the terrible events of March 15, their families and communities.
We extend our aroha and support to all our rangatahi, and whanau who will continue to be affected by this tragedy, to those in our Muslim community and those who live and work alongside them.
Aroha ki te hunga mate.
In the face of terror we stand for peace - Komiti Pasifika
Kia ora, Kia Orana, Talofa lava, Fakalofa lahi atu, Malo e lelei, Bula Vinkaa, Taloha ni, Namaste, Aloha!
On behalf of Komiti Pasifika PPTA I wish to extend our deepest condolences and sincere sadness for those that have been affected by the horrific events that took place in Christchurch on 15 March.
We know that some of you have lost students and members of your community and we send our love and prayers and mourn with you and their families at this extremely sad and difficult time.
Teachers have been at the forefront of caring for their students in this tragedy and we send you our thanks and support and let you know that we stand with you.
As Pacific people who are immigrants to this country we are grateful for the understanding that New Zealand provides a home and a place of belonging for people of many different origins, This has been highlighted by the response to these events.
In face of this terror we stand for peace. We will all be using this as a tool for teaching and learning about the importance of not just tolerance and acceptance but for kindness, for unity and for the celebration of the multicultural fabric of our country.
We are thinking of you all and holding you in our hearts.
Kia Manuia,
Natalie Faitala
Executive Member for Komiti Pasifika
Against hatred we send love - Aotea College
Dear Christchurch Members
A message of support from Aotea College PPTA branch in Porirua to express our support at this challenging time. Our hearts go out to those affected. Against hatred we send love, against ignorance we respond with the educator's vision.
Aroha Nui
Wayne Elley
E nga hoa mahi,
Ma te Atua koutou e manaaki e tiaki i tenei wa papouri. Kia kaha, kia manawanui.
Whaea Miriama Barton
Teacher in Charge of Te Reo Maori

Floral tributes in Christchurch
Kia kaha to all of Christchurch - Rangiora Technology Centre
Kia Kaha to all of Christchurch. The peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand are thinking of you today.
On behave of Rangiora Technology Centre I would like to express our shock and sorrow that this tragic event has occurred in Christchurch.
Our thoughts are with all the families and communities affected.
A sad time for our city
Belinda Turner
Team Leader
You have friends, whanau and allies here
Assālam ‘alaykum to all my Muslim brothers and sisters who, for whatever reason, have come to add to the cultural and ethnic makeup that is Aotearoa/New Zealand. As a Māori woman, I want to say, “Nau mai, haere mai. Kia kaha.” Welcome and remain strong. You have friends, whānau and allies here.
Ngā mihi tautoko,
Pōwhiri Wharemarama Rika-Heke
Executive Counties-Manukau
Te Huarahi Tāmakimakaurau
Celebrating diversity and rejecting hate and intolerance - Wellington Girls' College
The Wellington Girls' College branch of PPTA extends its aroha and support to all teachers and students affected by the attack on Muslim places of worship in Christchurch on Friday. We say, with Jacinda Ardern, "This is not us." We stand with all teachers in celebrating diversity and rejecting hatred and intolerance. We are so sorry that this event has struck Christchurch, a city that has already faced enormous trauma. We acknowledge the difficult task that teachers in Christchurch faced on Friday, caring for frightened students in lockdown, and the even more difficult task ahead, coping with students who have suffered the loss of family members and friends, and also, in many cases, an inevitable loss of faith in the safety and predictability of their world. Our thoughts are with you.
Members of the Wellington Girls' College Branch of the PPTA
Love and sincere sympathy - Tikipunga High School
Kia Ora
Please accept our thoughts and prayers for your community. We are shocked at the events that unfolded on Friday and struggle to come to terms with this terrible attack on people in New Zealand.
Love and sincere sympathy
Nga mihi
Arohanui from Tikipunga High School branch of PPTA
Strength and courage from Rangitikei College
Students and Staff at Rangitikei College send you strength and courage to endure the days ahead. With love.'
Kia kaha - Howick College
The PPTA Branch of Howick College wishes to send its heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to the people of Christchurch.
Our thoughts will be with you over the next days and weeks as your community comes to terms with the tragic events of last Friday.
He iwi kotahi tatou, Kia Kaha Christchurch.
The Kia Kaha tribute art pictured above is by Christchurch artist River Jayden of Street Wise. Prints of the artwork are available for a donation and donations go to both mosques affected in the attacks.
We admire and thank you - Okaihau College
Our thoughts are with those teachers yet again hit by crisis in the garden city. We admire and thank you for your support in keeping your tamariki safe on a Friday afternoon of all times. Ch-ch is my home city personally so I feel your pain as the whole world does.
Kia kaha
Di Henderson
Okaihau College Branch
Prayers from St Patrick's College Kilbirnie
We are horrified at the violence that was inflicted on the people of Christchurch on Friday. Words cannot convey our distress. Our prayers are with those who are suffering. Our College will continue to pray together the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make us instruments of your peace:
where there is hatred, let us sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master,
grant that we may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
St Patrick’s College Kilbirnie
Sending love from Auckland
Sending love from Auckland. Christchurch is my hometown and where I began my teaching career. You have already been through so much supporting young people through the aftermath of the earthquakes and now Christchurch teachers will be called on again to assist as students grapple with what has happened so close to them.
I wish you all strength and courage. Kia kaha.
Marie Campbell
(retired teacher - ex Mangere College Branch Chair)
A greeting of love during troubled times - Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake
Tena tatou katoa e te whakaminenga ot te Waka; Te Wehengarua me Te Huarahi Maori Motuhake. He mihi aroha i tenei wa pouri mo te mahi kino, nga aitua, a, nga mate i puta mai ki te rohe o Otautahi. Kia kaha tatou me tuku nga panui tautokohia ki a ratou nga whanau e tangitangi ana ki nga hunga mate. Pouri rawa atu! Nunui te maemae mo te motu o Aotearoa. Kei te tangitangi Te Ika-a-Maui me Te Kohatu o Te-Waka-a-Maui ki te Waka-a-Maui, Aue Aue taukiri eee! Whakahoki ki te whakaaro o nga kaumatua, anei ra... Ma te Atua e manaaki, e tiaki ki a tatou katou, Turuturu whakamaua kia Tina! TINA!!!
To the gathering of our NZPPTA and THMM members greetings to us all. A greeting of LOVE during these sad and troublesome times, with the tragedy causing innocent lives lost plus immeasurable pain in the Christchurch area. Let's show our strength to those who mourn for their loved ones. They need our support and love during these times of sadness. The Fish of Maui and the anchor is crying for the Waka of Maui. Our elders taught us to have Faith in knowing that our Creator will support, and guide us during these difficult times.
This we establish and affirm.
NZPPTA Kaumatua,
Henare Hutana.
Support from Northland upper
Our thoughts are with those teachers yet again hit by crisis in the garden city. We admire and thank you for your support in keeping your tamariki safe on a Friday afternoon of all times. Ch-ch is my home city personally so I feel your pain as the whole world does.
Kia kaha
Di Henderson
Okaihau College Branch

Hawera High School pays tribute to those who lost their lives
We stand with you, we pray with you, we grieve with you
To the people of Christchurch
Along with the rest of Aotearoa, we are both shocked and saddened by the recent events in Christchurch. We send our prayers and support to the faithful who were at the Mosques, family members of those who were killed or injured, and to the many witnesses to this event.
We send our Aroha also to the students and staff involved in the related school lockdowns. This traumatic series of events will be remembered for years to come and we recognise that many who were already dealing with trauma from the 2010 earthquakes will now be further affected in ways that will not yet be apparent. We trust that there will be support for those who need it so they can begin to heal and move forward.
We stand with you. We pray with you. We grieve with you.
- The staff of Upper Hutt College Branch
How you can help
Members have asked if there is any way they can practically assist those affected in Canterbury.
PPTA has re-established the hardship fund used in the wake of the Canterbury earthquakes. Individual branches, regions and individual members can donate.
The bank account number is 38-9017-0227157-01
For further information contact
How to support New Zealand's Muslim communities (external link to
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:11