Ending Streaming 2025 Registration

We're on the road to Tāmaki Makaurau! 

March 28 we will be at the Auckland Airport Sudima Hotel in Tāmaki Makaurau. 

The purpose of the workshop is to provide attendees with the tools they will need to shift their schools and kura away from the practice of streaming. It does not matter where your school is on the destreaming journey, we think this workshop is a great opportunity for PLD and networking for positive change.

If you would like more information, please email khoupapa@ppta.org.nz

Registrations close on the 20th of March 5 pm.


I am a PPTA Te Wehengarua member:
Are you a PCT?
Does your school currently stream?
Please tick as many that apply:
Do you require accommodation?

Please note: We provide accommodation with no charge for members in the Northland region. If you are in another region and wish to have accommodation we will invoice you. Please email khoupapa@ppta.org.nz if you are outside Auckland and wish to attend

Last modified on Thursday, 6 March 2025 12:49