Hui Taumata May 2024
PPTA Te Wehengarua is now a recognised presence at significant national hui such as Hui Taumata at Omahu marae on Friday 31 May.

The amount of people/whānau that are recognising/acknowledging our presence is awesome. “Everywhere I walked for both hui there was always someone acknowledging PPTA Te Wehengarua and giving mihi for our presence,” says Daniel Hapuku (PPTA Te Wehengarua Mataroa).
The Hui Taumata, held on Friday 31May 2024, was the latest hui called by Kingi Tuheitia to identify solutions that encapsulate Kotahitanga. The crowds gathered just outside the tomokanga of Omahu marae for the pōwhiri commencing at 9 am. Te Aomihia Taua - Glassie (Te Hapai ō), Daniel Hapuku (Mataroa), Angela O’Donnell-King (Kaihautū Māori), Hemi Ferris – Bretherton and Patty Robinson (Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake) represented PPTA Te Wehengarua.
Kingi Tuheitia, his wife and the wider Waikato whānau resided on the mahau of the wharenui, Kahukuranui. Included on the mahau was Bob Gillies, the last living member of the Māori 28th Battalion, and his moko, Sir Tipene O’Regan and his daughter, Hana O’Regan.
Once everyone was settled, the proceedings began. Here are just a few of the highlights from the kōrero.
Bayden Barber (CEO of Ngāti Kahungunu) acknowledged the motu and named tangata rongonui (famous people) from the Māori world; firstly, Kingi Tuheitia i te tuatahi, He welcomed everyone and spoke of the connection to Waikato, the King’s support after cyclone Gabrielle then mihi and kōrero to each iwi in attendance. He asked for everyone to bring their kaupapa rangatira.
Takuta Ferris (Te Waipounamu) - Te Pāti Māori mihi ki te matenga te papa o Rawiri Waititi ko Winston Rawiri and restated the Pāti Māori call for a whare rangatiratanga.
Rahui Papa (Waikato) praised Bayden for bringing everyone together and all the kaupapa Bayden- kotahitanga talked about Māori response to the Kāwanatanga whakatāmi. Kahungunu have had many hui a ki Waipatu. We have to learn to Mahi tahi Whare Kotahitanga.
‘Te amorangi ki mua te hapai ō ki muri.’ ‘Te kauae runga Te kauae raro.’
Annette Sykes (Ngāti Pikiao)
You can't dismantle the coloniser’s house with the coloniser’s tools. House of unity. We have declared independence of Ngāti Pikiao. The real power of the Crown lies in the courts. We want a resolution. Aotearoa belongs to all Māori. MPs should be standing together. House of unity should come from iwi, hapū, whānau
Kaupapa Māori is the response when they interfere and takahi on our reo.
Structures should not be built without our values. Pursuit of excellence
Ranieri Proctor (Hemana for Te Kohanga Reo Trust)
I am fortunate to be the product of a blessed early learning experience. The kohanga reo generation are here. We have been limited with funding and meeting our aspirations for te reo Māori. We should have 50,000 in kohanga we have 8000.
We can see a mana motuhake future. Let's utilize the kohanga reo generation. We are ready.
In conclusion...
The manaakitanga of Ngāti Kahungunu and Omāhu marae was evident throughout the day. The crowd was so big that Kaimahi of PPTA Te Wehengarua didn’t all meet up until the kōrero had finished and everyone started to pack up and move towards home. We spent time talking about the highlights of the day. It was an awe-inspiring day giving hope to tāngata whenua and tāngata tiriti that together in Kotahitanga all adversity will be overcome.
Last modified on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 15:15