The final claims for the STCA and the ASTCA have been endorsed by the member ballot held last week. Click the link to see the next steps (Mypage)

Final Claims Result



Establishing Teachers Committee – Call for Nominations

Would you like to be a member of PPTA’s Establishing Teachers’ Committee (ETC)? Executive is seeking expressions of interest from members who would like to fill five vacancies that have occurred on the ETC. This is a two-year term  until 31 December 2026.

You do not need to hold a PPTA representative role to apply for this committee. We encourage any PPTA member who is in their first ten years of teaching who is passionate about furthering the work of the NET and advocating for our early-career teachers to get involved. If you have any questions about the role, please contact

What does the ETC do?

The ETC was established to provide a voice for early career teachers, inclusive of overseas-trained teachers and provisionally certified teachers. The committee meets about twice a year for a full day meeting, and at other times in conjunction with PPTA events such as Annual Conference and the Issues and Organising seminar. Relief and travel costs associated with ETC meetings are covered by the PPTA. This year the ETC will also be involved with the planning and delivery of our bi-annual Network of Establishing Teachers Conference in Tāmaki Makaurau from 23-24 April.

The committee:

  • Provides advice to the Executive, to branches, and to members on issues for early career teachers.
  • Works politically to influence policy and practice on issues for early career teachers.
  • Liaises with other organisations to advance the union’s agenda.
  • Reports regularly to Annual Conference on its work.
  • Organises the biennial NETs conference.

What do you need to be a PPTA representative on ETC?

  • Membership of PPTA.
  • To be in your first 10 years of teaching in New Zealand. This is inclusive of recently emigrated overseas-trained teachers.
  • To be able to get release from your school to attend meetings of the ETC.
  • To have shown an interest in the work of the ETC, e.g. by being a member of the NETs network, being a regional NETs rep, doing work on NETs issues in your school.

The PPTA President and General Secretary have been delegated by the Executive the task of assessing the self-nomination forms and selecting the person who can make the best contribution to the work of the Establishing Teachers Committee

Expressing interest

Members wishing to be considered for the ETC should complete and submit the self-nomination form on the PPTA website by Friday 21 February at 5pm..

If you require more information, email


Self-nomination form

Last modified on Monday, 3 February 2025 09:25