Research, guides, information and policies published by PPTA Te Wehengarua
National Standards
Annual conference papers
Handbooks & Toolkits
Class size
Collective agreements
Hours of work
Communities of learning
Salaries (pay) and allowances
Your rights
Secondary Principals' Council
Publishing student work
(July 2017) PPTA ICT Advisory Committee guidance for teachers intending to publish student work.
132 KB
August 17, 2020
2017 August PPTA News party education policies
PPTA News asked political parties how they would respond to the big issues in education as part of a government.
This table is shows PPTA’s summary of longer answers provided…
This table is shows PPTA’s summary of longer answers provided…
121 KB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News August (vol.38 no.5)
The August edition of PPTA News: the magazine for New Zealand secondary teachers.
Table of contents:
Working with the people who matter most - President's viewpoint p.3;
Albany Senior High…
Table of contents:
Working with the people who matter most - President's viewpoint p.3;
Albany Senior High…
1.6 MB
August 17, 2020
Party policies on education - 2017 general election
(August 2017) PPTA News asked political parties how they would respond to the big issues in education as part of a government.
133 KB
August 17, 2020
Photographing / filming students in the classroom and at school
(August 2017) Guidance from the PPTA ICT Advisory Committee on taking images, both photographs and video, of students and teachers in the classroom. The key legislation that provides advice…
192 KB
August 17, 2020
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August 17, 2020
NCEA Monitoring System Report (2003)
2003 Annual conference report. There is no doubt that there are implementation issues remaining, and issues which have been raised with the President or Executive members or directly with National…
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August 17, 2020
NCEA - Result: Not Yet Achieved (plus Supplementary paper) (2002)
2002 Annual Conference Paper. This paper summarises PPTA’s policy positions on qualifications as they have evolved from the early 1990s, then looks in detail at the problems which have arisen…
305 KB
August 17, 2020
Strategy to prevent suicide in New Zealand: Submission June 2017
PPTA submission on the draft Suicide Strategy 2017
This submission drew largely on policies and positions in terms of Rainbow Taskforce work, and also our work with guidance counsellors.
This submission drew largely on policies and positions in terms of Rainbow Taskforce work, and also our work with guidance counsellors.
161 KB
August 17, 2020
Equal pay case: Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
(5 Jul 2017) Frequently asked questions relating to PPTA’s equal pay (pro rata non-contact time) case for part-time teachers.
226 KB
August 17, 2020
NZSPC Newsletter July 2017
(July 2017) Update from the latest NZSPC meeting
The New Zealand Secondary Principals’ Council met in Wellington on 21 and 22 June and covered a number of current issues, as well…
The New Zealand Secondary Principals’ Council met in Wellington on 21 and 22 June and covered a number of current issues, as well…
287 KB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News July (vol.38 no.4)
The July edition of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers.
Table of contents
Education isn't an island - President's viewpoint p.3;
Mental health teaching resources to receive upgrade p.4-5;
Table of contents
Education isn't an island - President's viewpoint p.3;
Mental health teaching resources to receive upgrade p.4-5;
1.4 MB
August 17, 2020
Secondary school staffing survey report 2017
(June 2017) The trend is for deterioration across the measures of secondary teacher supply and a number of measures in the report are the worst recorded by PPTA since the…
860 KB
August 17, 2020
Panui 2 - National Whakataetae mō Ngā Manu Kōrero 2017 ki Aotea
(19 June 2017) Panui Tuarua Nga Manu Korero speech competitions
August 17, 2020
Secondary Teacher Workload Working Group Report (2017)
(June 2017 released to public) The Secondary Teacher Workload Working Group (the Working Group) was established as part of the settlement for the 2015-2018 Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement. It recognised…
748 KB
August 17, 2020
PPTA position on Online Schools (2017)
(February 2017) PPTA Executive formalised this policy in response to 'COOLs’, the new online school institution that would be permitted under the Education (Update) Amendment Bill. The position was developed…
55 KB
August 17, 2020
2017 PPTA News May June (vol. 38 no.3)
Contents include:
Raising the status of teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Teaching teens to take part in political decisions (civics education) p.4;
An education wish-list for election 2017 p.5;
Looking Forward, Looking Back…
Raising the status of teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Teaching teens to take part in political decisions (civics education) p.4;
An education wish-list for election 2017 p.5;
Looking Forward, Looking Back…
2 MB
August 17, 2020
Panui 1 - National Whakataetae mō Ngā Manu Kōrero 2017 ki Aotea
(May 2017) National Whakataetae mō Ngā Manu Kōrero 2017 ki Aotea - “Manawanui Piharau” panui tuatahi / 1
August 17, 2020
Registration form - National Whakataetae mō Ngā Manu Kōrero 2017 ki Aotea
(May 2017) National Whakataetae mō Ngā Manu Kōrero 2017 ki Aotea - “Manawanui Piharau” registration form.
August 17, 2020
Better provision for due diligence - Health and safety
(April 2016) A new health and safety act, which came into force this month, will provide paid time and training for staff to ensure their workplace is safe. PPTA News…
181 KB
August 17, 2020
New legislation raises the stakes - Health and safety
(Oct 2015) With employees becoming "workers" and employers now "persons conducting a business or undertaking" (PCBUs) there is much in the new Health and Safety at Work Act 2016 to…
139 KB
August 17, 2020
Consultation on the draft Employment (Pay Equity and Equal Pay) Bill. Submission May 2017
While there are good parts in the Bill, including negotiating with the State Services Commission rather than the Ministry of Education, we have also raised concerns with:
• Areas of the Bill…
• Areas of the Bill…
242 KB
August 17, 2020
Education Council fees increase. Submission May 2017
Consultation on possible changes to Education Council fees
The consultation document makes it clear that the bulk of the cost the Council is seeking to recover through registration fees is to…
The consultation document makes it clear that the bulk of the cost the Council is seeking to recover through registration fees is to…
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August 17, 2020
Education Update Amendment Bill SOP 250 (seclusion and restraint). Submission April 2017
PPTA have concerns about how broad the drafting of the SOP is, and believe that it will lead to unintended consequences that go beyond stopping the use of seclusion, and…
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August 17, 2020
Comparison between ASTCA and STCA conditions (2017)
(May 2017) Prepared for union meetings with members covered by the Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement. NB: This is a comparison between ASTCA and STCA only. A large number of…
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August 17, 2020