Research, guides, information and policies published by PPTA Te Wehengarua
National Standards
Annual conference papers
Handbooks & Toolkits
Class size
Collective agreements
Hours of work
Communities of learning
Salaries (pay) and allowances
Your rights
Secondary Principals' Council
PPTA Signed Financial Statements 2018
1.4 MB
August 17, 2020
Annual Report 2017-18
1.5 MB
August 17, 2020
Time to Review and Strengthen Treaty Partnerships (2018)
896 KB
August 17, 2020
Time to Review-and-Strengthen-Treaty-Partnerships (Maori version)(2018)
900 KB
August 17, 2020
Professional Learners (2018)
613 KB
August 17, 2020
The Tomorrow's Schools Review (2018)
319 KB
August 17, 2020
Improving the Communities of Schools Model (2018)
174 KB
August 17, 2020
Looking After Yourself (2018)
407 KB
August 17, 2020
Career Pathways - Subject Pedagogy Specialists (2018)
134 KB
August 17, 2020
Constitutional Amendments (2018)
81 KB
August 17, 2020
Auckland Name Change (2018)
133 KB
August 17, 2020
Once more into the breach... PPTA industrial stragegy for 2018 - and beyond (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. This paper investigates the economic, political and industrial environment for the 2018-2019 bargaining round, and outlines an industrial strategy, including a claims process, for that round.…
428 KB
August 17, 2020
2016 NZPPTA Annual Report
2016-2017 Annual report and consolidated financial statements of the New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association Te Wehengarua.
1.3 MB
August 17, 2020
Guidelines for negotiating a compensatory mechanism for reasonable endeavour (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper from the Canterbury Region. Recommendations: That a clear process in the form of guidelines be negotiated in the 2018 STCA round to ensure branches have a…
August 17, 2020
Better leading for better learning: Report of the middle leadership taskforce. (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. This report is the final in a series of reports and papers by PPTA’s Middle Leadership Taskforce. It summarises the issues for middle leadership, and…
242 KB
August 17, 2020
Mā te mahi tahi, ka ora ai te taitamaiti (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. Working together to support māori student success. Ko te whāinga o tēnei pepa, he āwhina i ngā kura me ngā hapori Māori ki te mahi ngātahi,…
303 KB
August 17, 2020
Whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori communities and schools working together (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. Working together to support māori student success. The purpose of this paper is to help schools and Māori communities to work together, to build collaborative, culturally…
326 KB
August 17, 2020
Flexible Learning Spaces: an experiment on our education system (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. This paper outlines some of the issues with the current move to build and rebuild schools as flexible learning spaces. The lack of evidence from research…
525 KB
August 17, 2020
NCEA review 2018: an opportunity for change (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. Between October 2017 and December 2018, there will be a major review of the design of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) conducted by the…
297 KB
August 17, 2020
Communities of learning: the slippage between planning and implementation (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. This paper considers the expectations underlying the implementation of Communities of Learning and the experience of implementation in practice. It finds a gap between the two…
299 KB
August 17, 2020
Day relief teachers - Victims of casualisation (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. This paper outlines the issues faced by day relief teachers, including their terms of employment, their difficulties in gaining a school’s agreement to act as lead…
252 KB
August 17, 2020
Careers services in danger (2017)
2017 Annual conference paper. This paper highlights a number of current threats to the provision of adequate careers services in secondary schools, caused by the absorption of Careers New Zealand…
282 KB
August 17, 2020
NCEA Monitoring System Report (2003)
2003 Annual conference report. There is no doubt that there are implementation issues remaining, and issues which have been raised with the President or Executive members or directly with National…
122 KB
August 17, 2020
NCEA - Result: Not Yet Achieved (plus Supplementary paper) (2002)
2002 Annual Conference Paper. This paper summarises PPTA’s policy positions on qualifications as they have evolved from the early 1990s, then looks in detail at the problems which have arisen…
305 KB
August 17, 2020
Establishment of a PPTA Men’s Network (2016)
2016 Annual conference paper. This paper is in response to a recommendation from the 2015 PPTA annual conference that PPTA investigate the establishment of a men’s network. The paper notes…
189 KB
August 17, 2020