Call for nominations for ICT Advisory Committee
The ICT Advisory Committee is charged with monitoring, researching and reviewing issues around the implementation of ICT, liaising with appropriate bodies and reporting regularly to PPTA Te Wehengarua Executive and to Annual Conference. It also serves as a clearing house for ICT development in schools by sharing and publicising best practice.
The term of office is the two years 2025-2026, and areas are rotated for election in alternate years.
In order to ensure the Committee is reflective of a range of secondary teacher views, Conference established the composition of the group as follows.
- 2 members of PPTA Executive;
- 1 member nominated by Te Huarahi
- 10 regional representatives
- 1 representative from high Equity Index schools;
- 1 representative from Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu /Correspondence School; and
- a PPTA member representative from DTTA (Digital Technologies Teachers Aotearoa)
Applications are now invited from representatives of regions encompassing the following areas:
Area 1 Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland north of the Harbour Bridge, Upper, Central and Lower Northland
Area 4 Western Bay of Plenty, Bay of Plenty
Area 6 Taranaki, Manawatū-Whanganui
Area 9 Waitaha Canterbury, Aoraki
Area 8 West Coast, Nelson, Marlborough
Area 10 Otago, Southland
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu
Nominations should reach Wendy Daniell at PPTA Te Wehengarua, Email by 5pm on Friday 8 November on the form attached.