Members of the Rainbow taskforce

Contact the Rainbow taskforce

The Rainbow Taskforce meets regularly and is happy to hear from members.   

Jerome Cargill - Macleans College   

Robert McCafferty - (Executive Rep) - Western Heights High School 

Faith Tautuhi- (Te Huarahi Rep) - Waikato Diocesan School For Girls 

Lauren Hourigan - PPTA National Office 

Michael Cabral-Tarry - Field Officer

Amanda Moys - (Executive Rep) - Havelock North High School 

Lillian Doherty-Ramsay - Whanganui Girls' College 

Charlie Myer - Wellington Girls' College 

Lex Davis - Ormiston Senior College 

Caitlin van Hoffen - St Dominic's Catholic College (Henderson) 

Wren Boyer- Fraser High School 

Allicia Williams  - Ormiston Junior College 

Last modified on Friday, 1 November 2024 10:17