
Research, guides, information and policies published by PPTA Te Wehengarua

2016 PPTA News Feb-Mar (vol.37 no.1) We need you activists - President's viewpoint p.3;
Celebrating 70 years of shared teaching expertise (Teachers’ Refresher Course
Committee (TRCC)) p.4;
Obituary: Ida Gaskin 1921 - 2016 p.5;
Charter school board should be sacked…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
2016 PPTA News April (vol.37 no.2) Let's try learner-centred PLD for teachers - President's viewpoint p.3;
Reward for long hours of toil (Guy Allan Branch Activism Award presented to Claire Couch) p.4;
"Constancy and absolute belief" contribute to…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
2016 PPTA News May (vol.37 no.3) Systematic betrayal - President's viewpoint p.3;
Paid parental leave p.4;
PPTA helps students in Thai border region p.4;
PPTA opposes call to deny principals voting rights p.5;
Members encouraged to respond to ministry's census…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
2016 PPTA News June (vol.37 no.4 ) Pragmatic problem-solver will be missed - President's viewpoint p.3;
Academic mentoring at Lytton High School p.4;
Kaiapoi High School traffic issues p.6;
Should New Zealand history be compulsory (Debate) p.7;
Familiar faces, new roles…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
2016 PPTA News July - August (vol.37 no. 5) Braving the storm - President's viewpoint p.3;
Treaty partners at co-governed school (Nga Puna O Waiorea, Western Springs College) p.4;
The Global Budget - bulk funding by another name p.6;
The power of…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
2016 PPTA News November (vol.37 no.8) Table of contents:
Remembering Helen Kelly - President's viewpoint p.3;
Privatising and profiteering - Examining the COOL proposal p.4;
Funding or Fantasy? - Opinion, Luke East, Year 13 student p.5;
Teacher supply…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
2016 PPTA News September (vol.37 no.6) Somebody is thinking of the children - President's viewpoint p.3;
A chance for children (He Huarahi Tamariki) p.4;
Crossing cultural barriers through movement (Louise Fielder) p.6;
Examining the teacher laptop scheme (TELA) p.7;
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Professional learning and development (PLD) research report Part 2 (2014) This report should be read in conjunction with PPTA’s 2013 Research Report on Professional Learning and Development . It does not delve into the background details that were explored…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
The cost of change: PPTA survey on NCEA workload 2010 The NCEA changes implemented from 2011 to 2013 presented some major challenges for all teachers, and teachers in some subjects, roles and schools felt these challenges disproportionately. The…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Professional learning and development (PLD) research report Part 1 (2013) This report uses teacher voice to show how the contracting model chosen by the New Zealand government in 2011-2013 to deliver professional learning and development to teachers fails to…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Professional learning and development (PLD) toolkit (2011) A toolkit comprising information and an audit process that can be used to support improved practices and outcomes for teachers and learners in New Zealand secondary and area schools.
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Digital communications guide (February 2014) The PPTA ICT advisory committee worked with the Network of Establishing Teachers (NETs) to update the PPTA online safety guides for teachers. Includes advice regarding email…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Professional standards for teachers and teacher education: Avoiding the pitfalls (April 2006) written by Martin Thrupp commissioned by NZPPTA and NZEI
Professional standards for teachers and teacher education can be 'generic' or 'specified'. Generic standards are broad descriptors of teachers'…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
PPTA Workload Taskforce report 2016 The Taskforce findings reflect the intensification of the problems previously identified by various working parties and reports over the last 15 years. A range of suggestions for…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Te Tiro Hou: Report of the Qualifications Framework Inquiry 1997 This report outlines the findings of Te Tiro Hou - The Qualifications Framework Inquiry.
With ongoing changes to NCEA and secondary assessment it seems timely to make it more accessible…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Workload Taskforce summary sheets 2016 These eight summary pamphlets cover the most frequently referenced issues and suggestions from members. Many other important areas of pressure and issues for specific groups of teachers are addressed in…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
National Standards background paper (2010) The government seems bent on implementing National Standards in New Zealand's primary schools from 2010, yet there is no robust evidence to show that this policy will result in improved…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Donations and fees in public schools Advice for PPTA members on the legal framework for fees and donations in state and integrated schools.
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
National Standards: Report on assessment workload survey (2011) Many PPTA members who teach and assess in Years 7 and 8, either in a Year 7-13 or 7-10 school or in an area school, are experiencing negative impacts on…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
PPTA position on National Standards (2010) Research evidence shows that National Standards will not lead to improved outcomes for students.
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Middle leadership in secondary schools: 2016 survey report This report details one aspect of the investigation work of PPTA’s Middle Leadership Taskforce, a survey of members conducted in early 2016.
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
New Zealand school decile system 2013 PPTA Te Wehengarua background paper on the decile funding system. The decile funding mechanism is used by the government to target resourcing to New Zealand schools
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
ASTCA workload entitlements pamphlet (2013) The terms and conditions of employment for PPTA Te Wehengarua members in area schools, are set out in the Area School Teachers Collective Agreement (ASTCA). These terms and conditions…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Maximum contact time calculator (2013) The calculator will help you work out your contact time entitlements.
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Timetabling Framework: About Time toolkit 2013 Section 2 . The prerequisites on schools in terms of timetabling arise from legislation and the collective agreements and are longstanding and well understood. New constraints or requirements can arise…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020