Understanding the proposed legislation for charter schools

The proposed charter schools legislation was introduced to Parliament this week. It details how charter schools will be reintroduced in New Zealand – including the process for school conversions and how this effects the conditions of employment for teachers and staff already in the school. We are currently reviewing the legislation and will provide information to members shortly.

In the meantime, there are actions you can take and ways you can prepare to participate in the consultation process of this Bill. These include passing the Branch Resolution Against Charter School Conversion in your branch, and preparing a written submission to the select committee process.

We are hosting informative webinars for members to provide support in preparing your submission to the Education and Workforce Select Committee. You can register for there below!

Webinar - Wednesday 3 July at 4:45 pm

Select Committee Submission + Branch Resolution Against Charters

Public Webinar - Thursday 11 July at 7:00 pm

Open to everyone, not just PPTA members

Further information can be found here:

Charter Schools Submission Guide for Members

Education and Training Amendment Bill – Charter Schools

Summary of the Amendment Bill




Last modified on Wednesday, 26 June 2024 07:24