Teachers welcome NCEA changes
Secondary teachers are pleased the Government has listened to their concerns about the timing of changes to the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
A scaling down of the changes to the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) over the next three years is a positive move that acknowledges the significant disruptions secondary students and teachers have experienced this year, says Melanie Webber, PPTA Te Wehengarua President.
“The NCEA changes reflect a generational shift in teaching and learning, that seeks to benefit all students. It is critical that these changes are not undermined by pushing ahead too quickly in the face of a pandemic.
“We’re very pleased that the Minister has listened to teachers and heeded our concerns about the need for the changes and timelines to be realistic. In many ways this year has been an annus horribilus for secondary students and teachers, particularly in Tāmariki Makaurau Auckland, so the changes to NCEA need to be carried out very carefully and on a sensible scale.
“Moving the full Level 1 pilot to 2023 instead of next year and reducing the number of schools per subject in the mini pilots next year makes excellent sense and will take the pressure off many schools. For the majority of students the changes will come into effect in 2024.
“PPTA Te Wehengarua members have determinedly and persistently advocated for changes that will make the qualification better. We are pleased that the Government continues to listen to and act on teachers’ concerns."