Call for nominations for Māori Vice President
PPTA Te Weherangua is calling for nominations, from members on the Māori electoral roll, for Māori Vice President for the 2022-2023 year.
The Māori Vice President is a new position on PPTA Te Wehengarua National Executive.
The appointment of a Māori Vice-President is essential to integrate a Tiriti perspective into the organisation in a visible and meaningful manner. The Māori Vice-President would also be the public voice for our Māori members on issues that affect them and kaupapa that enhance partnership relationships and ensure Māori have a seat at the top table (Annual Conference, Executive, and the like).
Any full member on the Māori roll is eligible for nomination for this position.
Proposers and seconders must be full members of the Association on the Māori roll.
Nominations close with the General Secretary by 5 pm Tuesday 23 November 2021.